Understanding Dental Bridges And Crowns: A Guide By General Dentists

restorative dental clinic san antonio tx

Welcome to the world of dental bridges and crowns. As general dentists, our mission is to help you understand these common dental procedures. We will reveal the insights our team gleaned from the restorative dental clinic san antonio tx. We aim to demystify the process, the materials used, and the benefits of each. Let’s dive in.

What are Dental Bridges and Crowns?

Dental bridges and crowns are false teeth. They act as fillers when you lose a tooth or need a cap for a damaged one. They make your smile complete again. The bridge fills the gap left by the lost tooth. The crown covers the damaged tooth.

Benefits of Dental Bridges and Crowns

Bridges and crowns offer many benefits. They boost your confidence. They enhance your smile. They help you chew food better. And most importantly, they protect your oral health.

General Dentists

The Procedure

Getting a bridge or a crown is simple. You visit your dentist. They take a mold of your mouth. They use this mold to make your bridge or crown. You revisit your dentist. They fit the bridge or crown. It’s a smooth process. You are in safe hands.

Materials Used

Dentists use different materials for bridges and crowns. These include porcelain, ceramic, and metal. The choice of material depends on the location of the tooth, the patient’s preference, and the cost.

The Comparison: Bridges vs Crowns

While bridges and crowns serve similar purposes, they are different. Here is a simple comparison:

Bridges Crowns
Use Fill the gap left by a lost tooth Cover a damaged tooth
Materials Used Porcelain, ceramic, metal Porcelain, ceramic, metal
Procedure Two dental visits Two dental visits

Proper Care

Caring for your bridge or crown is like caring for your natural teeth. Brush twice a day. Floss once a day. Visit your dentist regularly. This ensures your oral health and prolongs the lifespan of your bridge or crown.


Dental bridges and crowns restore your smile and oral health. They are simple solutions to common dental problems. If you have a lost or damaged tooth, consider these options. They will improve your quality of life.